Mediserv OÜ offers companies across Estonia both risk analysis services and a full range of occupational safety specialist services. In addition, we provide online training for company occupational safety specialists and occupational safety representatives.
The obligation to organize a workplace risk analysis arises from the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA § 13, paragraph 1, item 3). The employer, during the preparation of the workplace risk analysis, identifies the workplace hazards, measures their parameters if necessary, and assesses the risks to the employee’s health and safety (OHSA § 13, paragraph 4, item 1). We compile the risk analysis along with an action plan and, if necessary, measure the following:
When preparing the risk assessment, we measure the parameters of workplace safety factors during site observations, which allows us to achieve the best result. The completed risk assessment file is in PDF format and must be uploaded to the Labour Inspectorate’s work environment database ( The employer also informs employees and their representatives about the risk assessment (Occupational Health and Safety Act § 13 (4) p 5).
– representation of the company during Labour Inspectorate inspections or case handling;
– organizing the structure of the workplace safety team (work environment representatives, first aiders);
– risk analysis compilation;
– development of a risk mitigation action plan and systematic workplace observation and internal control;
– development of work organization rules and safety instructions for the tasks performed and tools used;
Mediserv’s online training is registered with the Ministry of Social Affairs and is aimed at the company’s work environment specialists and representatives. The training materials are available in Estonian 24/7 in electronic form. After the training, the participant can take multiple-choice tests at a convenient time. This allows the participant to test their knowledge and understanding of the material, as well as assess their progress. Upon successful completion of the training, we issue a certificate that is accepted by national supervisory authorities.
We offer high-quality service with a professional team and modern equipment. Let’s find the best solution together!